Friday, January 9, 2009

Walk In Peace

My Aunt Claire gave me this beautiful, silk pillow cover a few years ago. In the upper left, it says milagro, which is the Spanish word for miracle. There are 4 milargos (the little legs) attached to my pillow cover with red ribbon, and in the bottom right, it says walk in peace.

"Milagros are small metal religious charms found in many areas of Latin America, especially Mexico and Peru.  The word “Milagro” means “miracle”.  They are also used in Europe, where they are often referred to as Exvotos (Offerings).  These small charms, often depicting arms, legs, praying people, farm animals and a wide range of other subjects are typically nailed or pinned to crosses or wooden statues of various saints like the Virgin Mary or Christ, sacred objects, pinned on the clothing of saint statues, or hung with little red ribbons or threads from altars and shrines.  They are also carried for protection and good luck.  Ranging in size from less than 1/2 inch to several inches, they are as unique as the cultures that produce them."  
Zanzibar Trading Co. 

The pillow cover is also vibrant and has a detailed design. It's really very stunning and special; I'm flattered that Claire thought of me. 

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