Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Waiting At South Station

Here's what I didn't tell you about my trip to Norwood to visit Sara: I missed my train. It left South Station at 5:20 pm, and I was still at least 15 minutes away. Ooops. Funny thing is, this is not the first time I've had a commuter rail snafu while trying to get to Sara's. Once, I got on the wrong line and got off in the wrong town, without even realizing it! What's wrong with me?

seagull at south station

The next train wasn't scheduled to leave South Station until 7:20, so I had some time to kill. I sat on bench outside the station and called my dad and took photos of the seagulls swooping overhead.

P.S. Sara called me and told me to take a different train to a different station, so I only had to wait until 6:45. Not bad at all!

1 comment: said...

hola beautiful

love the photo of the seagull against the building


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