Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Is Happening Right Outside

I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! (Caps completely necessary.)

tree in charlestown, ma

purple flowers in belmont, ma

daffodils in belmont, ma

It's just so unbelievably gorgeous out. Crisp air, flowering trees, grass that's turning green. Everything's just coming alive, and I find it quite exhilarating. I'm so busy preparing for the National Stationery Show next month that I'm not spending as much time outdoors as I'd like, but I totally appreciate each and every second I'm out there. I savor my walks to the train and bus. I can't stop myself from smiling when the sunlight warms my cheeks. 

Really you guys, it's sort of amazing (every single day). I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am.

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